Seven Elements
Welcome to our Art Blog!
Last day of January! Wow! 3 months to do before we open up the doors to the gallery and start cleaning, putting in amazing work and welcoming art lovers from all over the world into the store!
One of the items on my to-do list this year is to create a few videos featuring our artists and their thoughts on everything from techniques and marketing to coming up with ideas for projects and equipment/materials. I am currently working with Tony Johnson to see how we can set up our first one. They will be structured in a round table style and then we will just talk! I know. Sounds a little boring, but I'll be honest, you never know what someone is going to say, what great information you can pick up and what ooops is going to happen to make you laugh until you wet your pants! I know this because it has happened! I'll keep you up to date on that and the videos will definitely be posted on this website.
As you may have noticed, Seven Elements no longer has a Facebook page. We thought about the use of this and other platforms for a number of years, as the negativity of many applications have been getting increasingly worse since 2016. We put a Facebook page up for the gallery to help let people know about the business when we opened.
When Facebook's founder decided to allow hate speech and other negative comments towards others to move forward under the guise of free speech, we felt the need to remove our support from all META platforms...both professionally and personally. As our community is one that strives to include ALL artists from ALL backgrounds and to allow them to be who they are, we just couldn't support that. We support our artists and we refuse to let others treat them as if they are property, criminals, or anything other than human. We respect all people from all walks of life; all cultures and religions. We do NOT support bigotry, racism or anything else that takes rights away from an individual. We are ALL HUMAN BEINGS and we should love each other and help each other. At Seven Elements, anyone coming into our gallery is treated with respect and we expect the same in return. We do NOT apologize if this offends anyone.